Saturday, October 9, 2010

Arno Minkkinen


  1. These photos are positively gorgeous! I love how humanity and nature are seamlessly intertwined, such that it in some it's hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. His human subjects are presented as an integral part of the landscape rather than a superior or domineering force. It looks like these would have been a blast to shoot.

  2. the creative perspective on these is so interesting! i love things like these that change the way you see things that you see everyday

  3. I like the composition the photographer uses in his work and the organic feel the photographs give off. The photograph of the person in between in the tree is just a fantastic idea and when I first glanced at it I didn't originally see the person but looking a little closer the person emerged in the image which I thought was great.

  4. normal pictures taken with the craziest perspectives I could imagine, this actually blows my mind. I love the perspective of the photographer. This is just freaking me out.

  5. these picture blew my mind......... right out my face! not a single one didn't make me give a double take. this is an insanely great use of the human form and i cant wait to see your work!

  6. Creepy. In some of these photos the body feels like an extension of nature. There is not enough information about any of the subjects' faces to get an idea of who these people are. The natural folds and lines of the body blend with nature so perfectly in these photographs. It reminds the viewer of what he or she is: a small piece of an immense puzzle. Even in the photos where the body (or parts of the body) is huge the landscape is so, maybe even more, important.

  7. These are interesting in the way the body parts seem so detached from any human emotion. The limbs become objects to admire simply for theirs shape and curvature.

  8. I commented on this earlier but apparently I didn't submit it right.

    I really love the way the he positions people/body parts in these, and how he plays with perspective. In some of them he makes bodies seem like objects rather than actual people, which is an interesting trick. The lines and lighting in these is superb, and I love the details on the skin of the models.

  9. very interesting use of what would otherwise seem like out of place hands/limbs. lots of these photos make the out of place human element seem very natural in its position, as well as very organic in some aspects
